This is the first post on what I am calling “Get to Know Your Photographer Friday”
I fully acknowledge that I’m not the best at being an open book and sharing about myself and my life online. It doesn’t come naturally to me. So I am starting a simple Q&A to help with that, and give clients a chance to get to know me better.
Q: How long have I lived in West Michigan?
A: My family moved to NE Grand Rapids three years ago. I often still say that I am new to the area even though it has been over three years. The first year we moved here, Elijah was born and I felt very limited with what I could do with a colicky baby. A lot of my time was spent at home or going for walks. I was finally feeling ready to explore more and participate in meet-ups when the pandemic started. Which put life on hold again. Here we are three years since I moved here and I’m just feeling comfortable getting out and exploring GR! Hoping to be able to host meet-ups with other mamas soon. I really missed out on having a mama community when Elijah was a baby. It’s so important to have another mom friend to text, call, vent, get-together… someone who just understands what your going through. If you dont have that… feel free to message me! Let’s be friends!
Q: Favorite things to Do:
A: Go on adventures! If I could, I would travel every weekend. There are so many beautiful areas in Michigan to visit and check out. I also enjoy bigger trips. I want to see the world for myself and also for Elijah! I also enjoy checking out local restaurants, getting brunch with mimosas and yoga… just a few things that come to mind quickly.
Q: Favorite Music
A: I like most music, but I don’t listen to country. THE BEST ALBUM ever created is Hot Fuss by The Killers. The best concert I’ve been to is Odesza.
Q: Favorite Starbucks Drink?
A: Cold Brew with Salted cream foam…. It’s always the perfect pick-me-up. And the Honey Oatmilk Latte is another favorite. Just depends if I am feeling a Hot or Cold beverage.
And that concludes this week! If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask! Thanks everyone!